Finding a New Career -4 Ways to Start

Finding a New Career -4 Ways to Start

Do you like what you do for work? Or do you feel stuck in a dead-end job that doesn’t really fit your talents? If the idea of finding a new career sounds a little scary, you’re not alone. But if you take the time to consider what you‘re good at and the types of careers that might interest you, you’re halfway there! Here are 4 ways to get started on the path to your new career:

Self-assess: Before you can decide what you want to do for a career, you need to consider what you’re good at and the types of jobs you might like. Do you like retail and desk work, or are you more of a hands-on person who likes to stay busy using your brains and your hands? Think about your natural talents and strengths, and even your hobbies. Do you know that there are people who get to do work they love every day? Auto technicians take their love of cars and turn it into their life’s work. People who are great with computers sometimes choose careers in information technology like computer aided drafting and design (CADD). Think about things you already like to do. Can you make a career out of any of them?

Observe: You interact with people every day. What do they do for work? Have you ever wondered how the medical assistant who greets you at the doctor’s office began her career? What about the technicians who service all the systems that are in your home and workplace like alarm systems and cable networks? Ask those electronics systems technicians what their job is like. Talk to people you meet who work in healthcare or the trades. Maybe what they’re doing is something you should be doing!

Research: Once you have a few ideas about the kinds of careers you might like, do your homework. Find out as much as you can about the jobs that interest you. Research where you might find career training and take tours of the schools that have the right programs. Look for accredited schools and programs that have hands-on instruction so you’ll get a real feel for your new career before you go out into the working world.

Take Action: The last step is the most important. You’ve done your research and chosen a career path –now follow through. Enroll in a program that’s a fit to the career you want. Then, take your career training seriously. From day one, start acting like the professional you hope to become. You can find a new career –it’s up to you. You just need to believe in yourself and all your abilities.

At Porter and Chester Institute, we believe in our students’ potential for career success and they prove us right every day. If you’re looking for a career change, check out our career training programs in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Schedule a tour today!