Based on the information you provide about the finances of you and your family, it calculates your potential eligibility for financial aid and then deducts that number from the total cost of tuition, room and board, and other educational expenses. The resulting number is an estimate only, but can help guide you as you make your education financing decisions.
If you have any questions or would prefer receiving this information from a staff member, please call us any time at 800-870-6789 and ask to speak with an Educational Funding Specialist..
Calculations are based on a student who entered school in fall 2020.
The results are dependent on the accuracy and completeness of the information you enter.
The results are an estimate based on projected 2020-21 Porter and Chester Institute costs and do not represent any guarantee of cost or your actual financial aid award. Your actual financial aid eligibility will be determined by the Porter and Chester Institute Educational Funding Office.
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