7 Tips to Ace your Phone Interview

7 Tips to Ace your Phone Interview

In today’s busy, digital world, the chances are that your first job interview with a new company won’t be face-to-face. Employers often use email to communicate with job candidates and then phone interviews to narrow the field of prospective employees. If you want to advance to a sit-down interview, you might first need to get by a telephone interview. Here’s how to ace your phone interview:

Smile: Even though the person at the other end of the line may not be able to see you, a good attitude comes through on the telephone. Pretend the hiring manager is right there with you. Smile, have good posture as well as a positive and enthusiastic attitude.

Research the company: Find out all you can about the position and the company before you dial up for the interview. Visit the company’s website, but then go even further, by running internet searches on the company and its leaders. Check out the LinkedIn profiles of those already working there, to learn what they are doing and saying about their jobs and the people they work for.  Use this research to see if it sounds like the place for you. You’ll do better on that phone interview if you already feel like you’ll be a fit for the company and are able to tell them why.

Research the industry: Are you applying for a position as an electrician apprentice? Find out all you can about recent developments in electrical technology and the National Electrical Code .  Are you considering a career as an automotive technician? What are the skills you’d need to have for a career in automotive technology? Whatever job you’re pursuing, find out all you can about the whole profession.

Prepare your environment: Don’t take any chances at being interrupted by barking dogs, crying kids, or noisy neighbors. Find a quiet place where you can calmly prepare. Review your resume, the job posting, and notes from your research. Then take some time to relax and mentally prepare before you dial in.

Practice: Mock interviews are just as effective for phone interviews as they are for in-person encounters. Have someone play the role of hiring manager, asking you the same kinds of questions you might hear on the phone. The more prepared you are beforehand, the more relaxed you will be when it really matters. Don’t avoid the tough questions; prepare for them!

Ask questions: Prepare several questions about the company, the job and what will be expected of you. Make certain to also ask about the rest of the interview process. When can you expect to hear back from them? What further information do they need from you? How can you check on the status of your application?

Follow-up: Send a thank you email right after the interview. Let them know that you want the job and remind them why you’d make a great employee.

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