Your City’s Infrastructure –Built with CADD

Your City’s Infrastructure –Built with CADD

Can you imagine trying to travel today without the highways, bridges, tunnels and roads that crisscross our nation? Much of that infrastructure that serves as the framework of your daily landscape was probably put in place with the help of CADD. CADD or Computer Aided Drafting Design is the software drafters now use to prepare computer-generated drawings that meet the specifications of architects and engineers. Drafters once performed this sort of work with mechanical pencils and T-squares, hand-drawing the ideas of architects. But CADD changed all that!

Now, drafters use computer programs to create, analyze and modify designs for structures like bridges, dams and tunnels. They also work on designs for sewerage systems and pipelines. Much of what makes your city structurally sound and unique probably started with the 3D visual representations drafters create. CADD is used in the earliest phases of an infrastructure project, but also for blueprints and presentation models. Final designs include important information about the materials to be used in construction including structure specifications about dimensions and strength.

CADD helps ensure that structures are built to exact design specifications and that they adhere to existing building codes and regulations. It also aids in efficiency and communication. Any changes made to original designs are done more easily with CADD and documented for all those involved in the project to see.

Drafters spend much of their time working on their computer but they may also need to visit building sites and meet with team leaders in and out of the office. They might start working from rough sketches supplied by architects and engineers. Then, they’ll create computerized drawings, probably making several revisions to the designs throughout the lifespan of a project. Each and every change must be exact.

How would you like to be an important member of a design team helping to build a city’s infrastructure? If you’re good in math and like working on computers, check out the Computer Aided Drafting and Design program at Porter and Chester Institute. You can learn how to generate CADD plans for buildings, roads and related services like electrical, HVAC, plumbing and sewers. Contact us at 800-870-6789 to learn more!