2 Major Myths of the Four-Year Degree
People tend to put the four-year bachelor’s degree up on a pedestal, thinking it’s the only way to be successful nowadays. But that couldn't be further from the truth!
Enrolling in a four-year program at a college or university doesn't mean you'll get your degree in four years. It also doesn't mean you'll be prepared to start a new career once you finally graduate.
There are many other options out there for your education! By exploring all their options, students may find career training that suits them for a fraction of the price and in a fraction of the time as compared to the traditional four-year degree.
Below we debunk two major myths surrounding the four-year degree:
Four Years and Out
When the Department of Education collects graduation rates for bachelor’s degree programs, it doesn't even consider a four-year time frame. The dismal 59% graduation rate it reported in 2011 was based on six years, not four. In fact, if you dig deeper into the graduation rates, you’ll find the majority of students (65%) don't get their diplomas in four years. Unfortunately, the longer you're enrolled in school, the more you pay in tuition. The tuition may be much higher at many four-year institutions than at career schools, too.
Good Jobs for Graduates
While some four-year college graduates step from college to career without missing a beat, the experience isn’t quite so easy for most. According to a survey conducted last year by McKinsey, almost half of the four-year degree graduates who responded said that their jobs didn’t require a college degree. The survey also found that one-third of the college grads don’t believe their school did enough to prepare them for the real world. Career schools, like Porter and Chester Institute, form their curriculum around the feedback from top employers so their students get the skills that these employers are looking for.
Four to six years is a long time to be studying and paying tuition! If you want to finish your education quickly and be trained for a career, check out the career training programs at Porter and Chester Institute. The school offers a wide array of programs at nine convenient locations throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts and has flexible morning, afternoon and evening classes. Fill out the form on this page to learn more about how Porter and Chester Institute can prepare you for a new career!