Motherhood and a Nursing Career – The Perfect Fit!

Motherhood and a Nursing Career – The Perfect Fit!

Whether you’re already a mom or just thinking to the future, a career as a nurse could be a perfect fit to motherhood. The very same traits that make you a good mom can also make you an excellent nurse, but there are even more reasons motherhood and a nursing career are such a good match.

Flexibility: Being a mom is a full-time job! That means your “other” full-time job has to fit really well with it. To cover the 24-hour-a-day need for nurses, shifts are often divided: 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, and 11pm-7am. Which one might fit for you and your family? Nurses also can choose to work full-time or part-time. In 2012, some 20 percent of practical nurses were working part-time. Nurses can even opt for per-diem work, working day-to-day.

Demand: If you want a career you and your growing family can depend upon, nursing is a natural choice. The job outlook for practical nurses is expected to be much stronger than average against other occupations through 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In Connecticut alone, there were more than 8500 nursing jobs in 2013 and median wages for licensed practical nurses in the state were among the highest in the country.

Growth: Wouldn’t you love a career that could grow as you do? As a nurse, you could choose a schedule and specialty that goes with the needs of your family right now, but also grows as your family does. Many nurses who are also moms start as floor nurses in nursing homes and hospitals, but then take on more supervisory tasks as their children get older. Nurses also switch from part-time to full-time as they’re able to take more time away from home.

Skill set: A career in nursing will require you to tap into many of the natural talents you have that also make you a good mom. Like nurses, moms are compassionate, kind and empathetic. They’re good multi-taskers who know how to kiss little boo-boos or communicate the bigger medical issues of their children to doctors. They have great interpersonal skills and lots of practice putting the needs of others first; a necessary ability, whether you’re a parent or a nurse.

Do you want a career that’s a natural fit to motherhood? Check out the practical nursing program at Porter and Chester Institute to see how you could train to enter this rewarding profession in as little as 12 months! Call us at 1-800-870-6789 to schedule a school tour at one of our five Connecticut campuses.