Knowing Your Learning Style Can Help you Reach Your Potential
One size does not fit all when it comes to learning! At some point, you've probably heard about the concept of learning styles. It's the theory that people learn and retain information in different ways, which fall into seven major categories.
Most people don’t have just one learning style, but a mix of several different learning styles. Some people have a dominant style of learning, while other people may find that they use different learning styles in different situations. When you recognize your learning style, you can adjust the way you study and possibly improve your grades!
Here are the main characteristics of the seven major learning styles and how you might use them. Which learning styles most describe you?
- Visual – Use images, photos, videos, and other media.
- Aural – Use sound, rhyme, and music.
- Verbal – Use word-based techniques, like speaking and writing.
- Physical – Use your body, hands, and sense of touch.
- Logical – Use logic and reasoning, remembering association often works well.
- Social – You prefer to learn in groups and with other people.
- Solitary – You prefer to work alone and self-study.