Future Trends: Vocational & Technical Education
There are lots of benefits to higher education but just what kind of education you get matters. Heading off to a four-year liberal arts degree was once considered a sure bet to a good job. But in its most recent survey, Millennial Branding found that only 2 percent of managers were looking to hire those liberal arts degree holders.
On the other hand, students choosing vocational and technical education can often get quick results and find work in some high-demand fields that require only certificates and associate degrees. Four trends in vocational and technical education show promise for those who want a career but don’t have the time—or money—to spend getting there.
Vocational and technical careers are in demand. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are twice as many job openings for those without a bachelor’s degree as there are for those holding those four year degrees. But it notes that the best jobs do require career training beyond high school such as taking vocational training at a technical school. Among the occupations with potential, the BLS cites those in accounting, business, healthcare and trucking.
Earnings are going up. According to its Pathways to Prosperity report, Harvard University found that employees with postsecondary education, such as certificates, earn more than their high-school educated peers. Harvard also found that 27 percent of people with postsecondary licenses or certificates actually earn more than their bachelor degreed peers!
Hands-on training works. Vocational and technical training programs allow students to learn by doing, yielding positive results. They allow students to get a feel for what their future job will be like. They also allow students to learn and make mistakes while under the supervision of a teacher instead of a boss. Then, when students become employees they have real skills to bring to the job.
Vocational & Technical Education serves individuals and the country. Jobs such as clerical workers, electricians, plumbers, healthcare workers, technicians and more, serve a vital function in the U.S. economy. Having a good supply of these workers ensures that the U.S. remains competitive and productive. But growth in these areas also represents movement in national demographics, helping skilled workers to break into the middle class.
If you’re interested in a vocational & technical education, check out the hands-on programs at Porter and Chester Institute. We offer 10 different career programs at our 9 locations in Connecticut and Massachusetts.