Take the First Steps to a New Career
Are you thinking about a new career? With an improving economy and vibrant new job opportunities on the horizon, now might be the perfect time for you to make a move. Learn how to get started!
At Porter and Chester Institute, we know that the thought of starting on the path to a new career can be pretty scary. That’s why we don’t only provide our grads with the skills they’ll need for a new career; we also give them lots of tips and training about the soft skills that today’s employers are looking for. In this article we’ll share our career services secrets with you!
Follow our Steps to a New Career series to learn how you can begin to build a bright new future.
Step 1: Train for your future!
Do you wonder what people with successful careers have that you don’t? Usually it’s training and experience. That is the winning combination that will help you find and succeed in your new career.
Here’s how you can get training and experience too:
Think about what you’re already good at. Do you love cars? Maybe a career as an automotive technician would be right for you. Do you have the 6 traits of a good automotive technician? Perhaps you have always dreamed of work that allows you to help people. How about a career in healthcare as a practical nurse or medical assistant? Take some time and explore careers that interest you.
Do some research about schools in your area that will help you train for your new career. According to the U.S. Department of Education, you’ll want to be certain that the career training school you choose is fully accredited and licensed.1 Find out what the program has to offer, and make sure that their teaching models fit your learning style. A hands-on approach taught by experienced professionals will help you understand what your new profession will be like and provide you with training for success.
Enroll and learn. Take your training as seriously as you would your new career. Show up on time every day, in the appropriate attire, and have a great attitude. In order to get the most out of the program, ask lots of questions and consider the faculty as a resource and link to your new career.
Get some experience. Many career training schools require you to participate in externships so you gain practical experience even before graduation. Additionally, you could gain experience in your new career through a part-time job or volunteer position. For example, if you want to work in healthcare, consider volunteer work at a local clinic or hospital. The more practical experience you gain, the more you’ll be able to confirm that your new career is the right choice.
If you’re interested in training for a new career, check out the career training programs of Porter and Chester Institute today. If you’d like to learn more about starting on the path to a new career, be sure to read next week’s Steps to a New Career post: The Importance of Networking.